About STYC
The biggest young chef competition in Singapore.
This is a competition organised by the Singapore Junior Chefs Club (SJCC). A biennial culinary challenge since 2015, that once again brings all budding aspirants aged 25 & below, who hunger for the excitement and exhilaration of a competition together, for a little zest & creativity. A platform for the young talents to be nurtured & a chance to showcase their creativity & culinary skills.
The winner will:
- covet the title of Singapore Top Young Chef Champion 2019; and
- earn the chance to understudy the Singapore National Culinary Team in IKA 2020.

Having qualified for the finals, it was definitely thrilling to have the opportunity to compete for the title. With the mystery box format, we did not have the luxury of time to train and refine our dishes like we did in the selection round. Daunting as it may seem, I was excited to utilise this opportunity to challenge myself and see how far the skills I have attained thus far, could take me.
Heading into the finals, I had to maintain my composure to avoid getting thrown off my game plan. Along the way, the pressure and the vast array of mise en place I had to complete seemed unending. It tested my mental strength and there was a point when I felt slightly overwhelmed and worried that I could not produce my dishes on time. It was undoubtedly one of the most grueling 5-hour cooks I have ever experienced. Taking some time to re-compose myself, together with the immense adrenaline, helped me persevere through the cook and finish strong. Through this, I have learnt to enjoy the process, appreciate these moments that would make me a more effective cook.
Completing the 5-hour cook-off, I did not have much expectations of the results. I knew I had given my all in the cook, taken away valuable life lessons, and that was all that mattered, anything more was a bonus for me. Having conferred the “Best Media Menu”, “Best Appetiser” and “Best Main Course” awards, it struck me that I had a good chance of winning the whole thing. The sense of satisfaction and elation, paired with relief, after being announced the winner was enduring. All the hard work of myself and my mentors had paid off.
Fast-forward to the Expogast Culinary World Cup 2018, I had the opportunity of a lifetime to shadow the Singapore National Culinary Team at this prestigious event. I was exposed to a whole other level of competition, from the food to the dedication and commitment of the team itself. Being mentored by the national team and its mentors, I discerned the intricacies and attention to detail required to perform at the international level.
Throughout this journey, the knowledge gained was beyond any other experience could offer and it definitely widened my perspective as an aspiring chef. Shadowing the national team at the World Cup in Luxembourg was truly a memorable and humbling experience that I will remember for a very long time.